Saturday, November 25, 2006

Show - Day 2

The Sign is complete!

We finished the Merry Christmas sign today, Finally! I have worked on this project daily since the end of September, the letters are works of art, I just hope they last! The should with 3 coats of resin, 7 coats of paint and 7 coats of clear coat, I don't think I have much to worry about. I will be posting a step by step how for this project on shortly, if your interested.

Today Chris and I sat in the truck across the street watching the show for at least one and one half hours, I am always critiquing my own work, I must change this about that sequence. Some day I will finish.....At this rate, I don't think so!

No collections for Toys for Tots today, still not expecting much yet, hopefully this will chance soon.

Completed 2 more songs of re-sequencing, this is taking more time that I planned. I have copied all my music and sequences to another computer, so I can continue to work while the show is playing, otherwise I might have to relax for a few hours......I haven't done that for two months now, why start now. I will try to have four more done tomorrow.

Our web site stats are still climbing, last January when we launched the site, we received 1079 unique visitors, as of today we have had 2304 unique visitors for the month of November.

Tomorrow we will also be trying to install the snow balls in the trees and setting out the candy cane and hooking them up, I have a few other strings to install at other locations and then I think I will call it quits for this year or at least until the first of the year!

Rick Williams

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